Essays 2014

  • Church Fellowship ( PDF, 176.7 KB )
    This study will deal with some of the questions that arose on the field of the doctrine of church fellowship. The study will further deal with the application of the biblical doctrine and it will also refute the most popular errors concerning this part of Christian doctrine.
  • Church Fellowship- The Position of the WELS and its Sister Churches ( PDF, 322.3 KB )
    This study was made to show the doctrine of Church fellowship held by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). It was first distributed at the German Free Conference in Grebenhain, Hessen in August 2014. Many people wanted to know more about the situation in the WELS- sister churches, especially in Germany. Therefore, the original paper was completely rearranged and passages on the history of the two confessional Lutheran church bodies in Germany were added with a strong focus on the Evangelisch Lutherische Freikirche (ELFK), the sister synod of the WELS. The base of this study is always the official position of the different church bodies. Non- official statements and papers are always marked as not being official statements but they are sometimes used to describe developments inside the synods that are not yet reflected by their official position.
    We stand face to the fundamental question of theology and for that reason also of Christian faith and life, namely the question how I, as a Christian, and how the Church of Jesus Christ stands concerning the Bible – is it the Word of God, inspired by His Ghost, and for that reason absolutely inerrant, absolutely true, absolutely correct and without contradictions - or is it a book as all others are too?
  • Regeneration in Baptism ( PDF, 82.9 KB )
    Baptism is an issue with a lot of different understandings. One of the most frequently asked question in the context of regeneration is: “When in baptism we get the regeneration, how it can be possible, that millions of baptized people live and die without God, do not care about faith, and live like all the others in flesh?” This question shows a big misunderstanding of the meaning of regeneration and why it is necessary.
  • The importance of upholding the moral code of Scripture and its connection to the preaching of the gospel ( PDF, 71.8 KB )
    The law of God describes the perfect balance between freedom and confinement. The trespassing of the essential set of laws are named as sins in the Bible.

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